I'm interested in a project with lots of weft color changes. I'm worried that my edges will build up more than the rest of my weaving if I overlap tails.
Beating the weft just so is one of the hardest weaving techniques to master. Madelyn is here with some tips to help you perfect your weaving projects.
If the instructions say to "use tabby," is this weaving overshot that's reversible? Should I use warp or weft yarns for the tabby to make it stand out?
I was reading your article on Tied Overshot from Handwoven, and it doesn't look like the drawdown and treadling match in Figure 2, page 16.
The temple will keep the warp threads parallel to each other so that the reed doesn’t rub on them.
I have read in various places that you recommend using a temple (stretcher) as a means of getting good selvedges.
In a recent Ask Madelyn, you talked about temples. Did you really mean to say that you advance the temple every three quarters of an inch?
When and how do you insert a temple? They don't come with instructions!